Let’s take a look at Path to Agility® Navigator | Video

An image depicting the continuous phases of Agile transformation management - evaluate, visualize, analyze, prioritize, and act
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In this video, Path to Agility® Senior Product Manager Seth Ely gives you a tour of Path to Agility Navigator, our new software tool designed to manage your entire Agile transformation.

Path to Agility Navigator is a software tool designed to assess, measure, and provide visibility into your Agile transformation across the enterprise. It gives clarity and focus on the actions needed to successfully manage Agile transformations, enables you to prioritize and track progress on those actions, and delivers measurable business outcomes.

Unlike basic assessment tools, Path to Agility Navigator gives more than just a picture of where you are now; it shows you where to go next. It uses a powerful, scalable, outcome-driven process to manage your entire Agile transformation in one tool. Called Path to Agility, the approach drives Agile journeys toward impactful business outcomes in the shortest time possible.

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