Use Path to Agility® With Your Clients

Path to Agility ® helps to visualize progress of an Agile transformation in a way that makes sense to leaders and stakeholders.

A screenshot of Path to Agility Navigator for Agile coaches that are certified Path to Agility Partners and Facilitators.

Path to Agility Partner Program

A Path to Agility Partner is an Agile coach licensed to use Path to Agility in their consulting and coaching engagements.

Path to Agility Partner Benefits

  • Navigator access for use with your clients
  • The ability to teach public Practitioner courses
  • Promotional opportunities such as a listing on the Path to Agility site
  • Path to Agility Navigator reseller

How to become a Path to Agility Partner

Please reach out to if you are interested in learning more about how to become a partner.

In order to qualify in any of the programs above, you must hold a Path to Agility Practitioner Certification.

If you are already a Certified Path to Agility Practitioner and would like to become a Facilitator or Path to Agility Partner, please email

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